Majarlin Kimberley Centre for Remote Health

Our vision

Improving Aboriginal and remote health.

Our mission

The Majarlin Kimberley Centre for Remote Health contributes to the development of a
culturally responsive, remote health workforce through inspiration, education, innovation and research.

Our values

Equity, respect, reciprocity, nurturing and belonging.

Majarlin is one of 22 University Departments of Rural Health (UDRH) in Australia funded by the Department of Health, located in the unique Kimberley region in the north of Western Australia.

Majarlin facilitates quality allied health and nursing clinical placements for students from all Australian universities providing support for the following:

  • students through placement facilitation, supervision, education, social networking, travel and accommodation; and
  • local clinicians by providing professional development opportunities and conducting quality remote health research.

Majarlin supports the Objects of the University of Notre Dame and provides an excellent standard of teaching, scholarship and research, training for the professions and pastoral care for students.

Majarlin is hosted on the Broome Campus of The University of Notre Dame Australia and is a collaboration of the following five universities:

Consortium Partners:

  • ND
  • Curtin University
  • Charles Darwin University
  • Edith Cowan University
  • Murdoch University