Alumni Magazine Issue 5

Doctor’s viral education videos rack up over 85 million hits on YouTube Dr Armando Hasudungan Faigl BACHELOR OF MEDICINE/BACHELOR OF SURGERY CLASS OF 2018 Combining an artistic talent with a passion for science has resulted in viral success for School of Medicine, Sydney alumnus Dr Armando Hasudungan Faigl. What started as a personal study technique to retain information in 2011 has now become a unique education resource on YouTube for students around the world. Dr Hasudungan’s YouTube channel features videos of hand-drawn visual illustrations to explain complex medical concepts such as the mechanism of breathing, the biochemistry of carbohydrates, and the female reproductive system. He now has over 1.2 million subscribers. “I had to draw everything out, make it connect, make it flow, make it like a story—that’s what worked for me,” recalls Dr Hasudungan. “I’m doing my hobby (drawing), as well as studying, so it was a win-win situation for me. I get to help other people as well.” The response to the videos has been overwhelmingly positive, with one viewer claiming his video tutorials ‘saved their medical education’. “It makes me feel so good knowing that my videos and website have been helping people. I never expected it to get so big; I’m really very lucky.” The videos reinforce Dr Hasudungan’s belief that communication in science is just as valuable as the research behind it. “From my personal experience, I’ve found that a good doctor is the one who can communicate and empathise best with their patients.” You can find Dr Armando Hasudungan Faigl and his videos on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook : @armandohasudungan. “From my personal experience, I’ve found that a good doctor is the one who can communicate and empathise best with their patients.” Alumni Magazine – Page 9 M E D I C I N E