Virtual Conferral Ceremony March 2021 Graduation Booklet

3 Graduation Prayer Prayer composed by Monsignor Michael Keating, Trustee of the University. God of life and love, you have created each one of us in Your image. We ask You to bless the Graduands of The University of Notre Dame Australia at this significant moment in their lives. Remain with them always and guide them in their life’s undertakings. May they be pleasing in Your sight. May their lives be filled with every blessing. May they be lights to the world and be the Good News of Jesus Christ wherever they go. May their thirst for knowledge continue always. May their families receive many blessings for the sacrifices made and encouragement given. May Mary our Mother, to whom this University is dedicated, keep watch over them. At the dawn of creation, You placed a hunger and thirst for love within the human heart. May this University continue to be a community where the Spirit of Jesus reigns and the gifts and talents of each individual are prized. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our hope and salvation. Amen.