In Principio_S1 2018_WEB

I N P R I N C I P I O | 2 4 SOCIAL MEDIA AND DEFAMATION: ARE OUR RIGHTS TO FREE SPEECH UNDER THREAT ? Over the past 10 years, Australia has seen a 40 percent rise in defamation cases arising from social media commentary. Studies by prominent legal groups reveal that most derogatory comments on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are born out of malice or some need for personal gratification while some people see themselves as ‘whistle-blowers’ who are doing the community a favour by exposing ‘ bad eggs’. With more than three billion social media accounts currently active worldwide, it’s easy for negative news to spread fast. People who are victims of hateful online commentary demand protection. So what are the limitations in what can be said on social media without attracting a lawsuit? Does any form of online censorship impinge on our rights to free speech?