Nulungu Newsletter July 2022

J U L Y 2 0 2 2 Newsletter Staffing updates A new partnership, William Roe, 1994 Co-Chairs Appointed Congratulations to Professor Anne Poelina and Associate Professor Steve Kinnane, who have recently been appointed as Co-Chairs of Indigenous Studies. Both Anne and Steve are well known for their impressive contributions to Indigenous research, not only in the Kimberley, but nationally and internationally. We welcome them to the Nulungu team. Welcome to our July edition of the Nulungu Newsletter. We’ve been keeping very busy with projects happening all across the Kimberley region, we’ve hosted a number of very exciting events, as well as running interesting and informative academic and professional development courses. Since our last newsletter we’ve also had a range of staffing changes, and our list of publications continues to grow.