Laurie Guimond

Adjunct professor, Nulungu Institute

Ph.D. Geography, M.A. Geography, B.Ed. Secondary education (Geography & History)


  • Biography

    Laurie Guimond is a Professor in the Department of Geography at Université du Québec à Montréal and an Adjunct Research Fellow in the Nulungu Research Institute at the University of Notre Dame Australia (Broome Campus). Through the lens of social and cultural geography, her research, teachings and community services focus on inclusive and just territorial development in northern and rural Québec, as well as Indigenous and non-Indigenous coexistence. Other fields of research she investigates include: contemporary northern and rural mobilities and migrations; indigenous – non-indigenous geographies of everyday life of the North; Indigenous awareness training.

    For more information.

  • Teaching areas

    • Social and cultural geographies
    • Northern, remote, regional and rural geographies
    • Indigenous and non-indigenous territorialities
    • Migrations and mobilities
    • Intercultural territorial development
  • Research expertise and supervision

    • Social and cultural geographies
    • Northern, remote, regional and rural geographies
    • Indigenous and non-indigenous territorialities
    • Migrations and mobilities
    • Intercultural territorial development
  • Books

    • Guimond, L. et Desmeules, A. 2019. Des ponts interculturels à la rivière Romaine ? Développement nordique et territorialités innues. Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, Collection Géographie contemporaine.
  • Book chapters

    • Guimond, L. et Desmeules, A. 2019. Des ponts interculturels à la rivière Romaine ? Développement nordique et territorialités innues. Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, Collection Géographie contemporaine.
  • Journal articles and proceedings

    • Wooltorton, S., Guimond, L., Reason, P., Poelina, A., Horwitz, P. 2022. Voicing Rivers. River Research and Applications, special issue Voicing rivers, 38 (3).
    • Martuwarra RiverofLife, Unamen Shipu Romaine River, Wooltorton, S., Poelina, A., Guimond, L. et Sioui Durand, G. 2022. Hearing, voicing and healing: rivers as culturally located and connected. River Research and Applications, special issue Voicing rivers, 38 (3), 422-434.
    • Guimond, L., et Plante, J. 2022. Mise en place, développement et vitalité d’une coopérative de solidarité en milieu nordique : un exemple socialement innovant à Baie-Johan-Beetz (Minganie, Côte-Nord, Québec). Numéro thématique Innovation socio-territoriale et modèles innovateurs de développement: le défi de la justice sociale et environnementale, The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 17(2), 151-176.
    • Desmeules, A. et Guimond, L. 2020. Damming the Unamen Shipu Romaine River: Contemporary Transformations of Territorialities Among the Innu of Ekuanitshit, The Northeastern Geographer, numéro spécial Quebec Hydropower for a green Massachusetts? Connections, contradictions and contests of electricity, 12, 65-82.
    • Guimond, L. et Desmeules, A. 2019. Choosing the northern periphery: paradoxes in the ways of dwelling of new residents of Eastern Minganie (North Shore, Québec, Canada). Population, Space and Place, 25 (6). DOI:
    • Guimond, L. et Desmeules, A. 2018. Indigenous minorities on major northern worksites: employment, space of encounter, sense of place. Geoforum, 97, 219-230.
    • Desmeules, A. et Guimond, L. 2018. Le territoire essentiel et essentialisé de la rivière Romaine des Innus d’Ekuanitshit. Cahiers de géographie du Québec, 62 (176), 297-310.
    • Simard, M., Guimond, L. et Vézina, J. 2018. Neo-rural populations and their relations with local decision makers in rural Québec: Collaboration or conflict? GeoJournal, 83 (3), p. 613–629.
  • Original creative works

    • Desjardins, B. (filmmaker) 2023. Mamuku meskanat — Ensemble sur le chemin (Natashquan et Nutashkuan). Short documentary film. Productions Perceptions 3i. Length 24:44.
    • Guimond, L. 2021. Je suis Rivière / I am River (7:56 EV ). Productions Perceptions 3i.
  • Professional affiliations

    • Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES, UQ)
    • Centre de recherche sur le développement territorial (CRDT, UQ)
    • Institut Nordique du Québec (INQ)
    • Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les affirmations autochtones contemporaines (GRIAAC, UQAM)
    • Collectif de recherche sur les innovations économiques, sociales et territoriales (CRIEST, UQAM)
    • Institut des sciences de l’environnement (ISE, UQAM)
  • Awards

    Excellence in Teaching Award, 2020. Faculté des Sciences Humaines de l’Université du Québec à Montréal.