At Notre Dame, our research aims to change lives for the better – right across Australia.

For pregnant mothers: Specific education programs are key to reducing epidural use and caesarean procedures in childbirth, interventions that have adverse consequences if overused on healthy women and babies. In addition to the health outcomes, Notre Dame researchers found that the reduction in clinical interventions -- resulting from the increased awareness, save the nation’s overburdened healthcare system up to $97 million each year.

For children: Our ‘Move, Grow, Engage’ initiative led to the development of an Adolescent Movement Program (AMPitup), achieving long-term positive outcomes for children and adolescents with Development Coordination Disorder (DCD). To support the program, a booklet and a video are creating widespread awareness among teachers, clinicians and parents.

For our first Australians: Research based on ‘right people’ right country, right way’ Aboriginal methodologies form the basis of specific projects for improving health and wellbeing in Aboriginal communities in Western Australia’s Kimberley region.

For those who face life-threatening disease: Our research has led to significant improvements in cancer survivor health outcomes thanks to a patient information video series focussing on needs after diagnosis, during treatment and the after effects of treatment.  Shared care and management models for prostate, colorectal, lymphoma and sarcoma cancers are all part of the program

Separately, studies into palliative care are designed to achieve significant improvements across the board, including pain and grief management for families and care givers, the effectiveness of family meetings and access to services such as Ambulance Care Plans and hospital admissions.

And for the elderly: The prevention of falls, a leading cause of injury-related hospitalisation among older Australians was the focus of an extensive study aimed at improving health outcomes and the quality of life both in the community and in residential care facilities. A peer-led program has had considerable success in raising awareness – and a significant reduction in the incidence of falls among the elderly.