In Principio v16 no2 (2005)

A The Broadway site under refurbishment SYDNEY UPDATE By Assistant Director (Marketing and Student Services) Sydney Campus, Fleur Edwards One of the major tasks in setting up the Sydney Campus is the recruitment of students for the 2006 intake and beyond. The recruitment activities are well underway with over 90 school talks conducted and approximately 20 careers markets attended. School term three has seen these numbers nearly double as we get the Notre Dame message out to as many school leavers and mature-age students as possible. We have had tremendous support from all school sectors but with more than 900 schools to communicate with in New South Wales (compared with about 170 in Western Australia) it is not feasible for us to plan to visit them all. The Darlinghurst site A We are also trying to keep the community in general informed of the developments in Sydney and are in contact with some of our WA Alumni who now live in NSW. The University was fortunate to have two of our successful NSW based graduates, Amanda Sapienza and Karen Lethlean attend our Prospective Students Information Evening and to talk with prospective students about their decision to study at Notre Dame. The evening was a great success, with more than 180 prospective students and families in attendance. We are looking forward to a busy term three with more information evenings, careers markets and school talks.