In Principio August 2017

“It’s a kind of vicious cycle and, alarmingly, these feelings of anxiety and low self-esteem are often generated from within their own friendship circles.” As a next step, Carmen plans to use the research to inform a larger study measuring the impact of Instagram on various aspectsofwellbeingamongfemaleadolescents.Shealsowantsto use her collective research to inform schools and policy makers about the negative implications of social media platforms. “I think it is still underestimated how pervasive the social media influence is for children and teenagers, and how the negative impact is carried forward into their twenties. Therefore we need to address this issue when children and adolescents start using social media and when their level of usage peaks,” said Carmen. “I hope this research will start the conversation among young people and those around them – including parents and teachers, and provide important information for school, policy makers and health professionals, particularly about the potential negative implications around Instagram.” F E A T U R E I N P R I N C I P I O | 1 3