Dr Christine E. Wood

Ph.D., M.A. Theo., B.Sc.Agr.
Adjunct Lecturer

Email: christine.wood@nd.edu.au
Phone: 08 9433 0138

  • Biography

    Christine E. Wood received her Ph.D .in theology from Marquette University, Milwaukee, and her M.A. in theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville, USA. She has taught systematic and biblical theology, and ethics, at John Paul the Great Catholic University in San Diego, and Catholic Distance University, West Virginia. Dr. Wood’s teaching focus has mainly been in Fundamental Theology, Christology, Thomas Aquinas, Moral Theology, and Scripture. Her research interests range from the intersection of faith and reason, nature and grace, the theology of revelation, evangelisation, and the liturgical actualisation of the salvific events of the mystery of Jesus Christ.

  • Teaching Areas

    Systematic theology (fundamental theology, Christology, and Aquinas), ethics, and biblical theology.

  • Research Expertise and Supervision

    Nature and grace, Aquinas, Christology, and the nature of divine revelation

  • Books

    Doctoral Dissertation: The Metaphysics and Intellective Psychology in the Natural Desire for Seeing God: Henri de Lubac and Neo-Scholasticism (Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA, 2011).

  • Book chapters

    "Anamnesis and Allegory in Ambrose's De Sacramentis and De Mysteriis." Letter & Spirit Journal, vol. 7. Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Road Publishing, 2011, 51-66.

  • Journal articles and proceedings

    “'The marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready': The Primary Nuptial Exemplar." Dangerous Ideas, The Dawson Centre, Colloquia 2015 and 2016. Ed. Michael Stokes and David Daintree. Redlands Bay, Qld: Conor Court Publishing, 2017, 333-53.

  • Conference papers

    “'The marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready': The Primary Nuptial Exemplar." Proceedings of the Christopher Dawson Centre for Cultural Studies Colloquium. Hobart, 2016.

    “Christ the Saviour: Priest, Prophet and King.” Aquinas Symposium, University of Notre Dame. Sydney, 2016.

    “Aquinas on God’s Existence and Attributes.” Aquinas Symposium, Dominican House. Glebe, NSW, 2015.

    “Austin Woodbury: The Relevance of His Work for Our Times.” Centre for the Study of Western Tradition, Campion College. Sydney, 2012.