Mrs Hilda Jury

Hilda Evelyn Jury was a retired nurse from Claremont, WA, who spent the last years of her life in Bentley, where she passed away in November 2008. She obtained her nursing qualification at the Fremantle Hospital in Western Australia between 1938 and 1941, where she practiced for a number of years thereafter.

In 1996 Hilda had toured the Fremantle Campus of The University of Notre Dame Australia and advised of her intention to include the University in her Will.  She felt strongly about education and her final wish was to help women who required financial assistance to attend Notre Dame.

The Hilda Jury Scholarship was established in 2020 with the purpose to assist and encourage female students who have demonstrated drive and commitment to achieve academically, despite financial need or other personal difficulty, in order to commence or continue their studies at The University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle Campus.

The reaction of the inaugural recipient Rhiannon Sweeney when she received the scholarship would have pleased Hilda.

This is incredible news! Thank you so very much. I am so grateful for this scholarship, especially at a time like this when there is so much uncertainty – this is truly life changing.

After a semester of studies, Rhiannon added “The scholarship has made quite a challenging year much more manageable and without it my academic pursuits would not have been possible. Thanks to the scholarship I was able to accept a job in a private neurological rehabilitation practice, rather than needing to work a much greater number of hours in multiple other jobs that are not as valuable to my growth and development as a physiotherapist.” The scholarship has also assisted Rhiannon with her living expenses “I have also been able to afford to rent my own small unit and purchase essential appliances and furniture – this is especially important this year as COVID-19 restrictions have meant my only option is to study from home. The scholarship has enabled me to reach my fullest personal and professional potential and for this I will be forever grateful.”

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