Karen Taylor

MNurs, Grad Dip Onc, BN, RN, Cert IVTAA, Cert IV Counselling, Cert IV Community Education


  • Biography

    Karen is a Registered Nurse who has predominately practiced in the area of Haematology Cancer / Bone Marrow Transplantation in many hospitals across Australia. She has undertaken a number of Clinical Nurse, Staff Development and Clinical Nurse Specialist / Consultant roles in this field and is currently working as the Survivorship Cancer Nurse Coordinator for the WA Cancer and Palliative Care Network, where she has worked in cancer coordinator roles since 2010. She also has a Collaborative Research Network funded Research Fellow position at UNDA in survivorship research.

    Karen has coordinated and taught Post Graduate Haematology Nursing at UNDA and has lectured and presented at conferences throughout her career. She is a trained counsellor and was the coordinator and trainer for volunteer counsellors in Western Australia from 2000 until 2012.

    Karen’s PhD study, commenced in 2014 and will test the effect of a nurse-led lymphoma survivorship clinic compared with usual post-treatment care at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital. The intervention involves a clinic where she will deliver tailored information, resources, and a survivorship care plan and treatment summary which she developed for this study cohort. An evaluation developed for GPs will assess receipt and use of the survivorship care plan and treatment summary. Additional qualitative interviews with intervention participants will assess the intervention components. She is hoping to this research will assist her to develop models of survivorship care that can be nurse-led and incorporate transitioning patients from hospital based active treatment to primary care follow-up.

    PhD thesis title: Effect of a nurse-led lymphoma survivorship clinic: A pilot randomised controlled trial (Care After Lymphoma – CALy Trial).

    Supervisors: Prof Leanne Monterosso, A/Prof Caroline Bulsara, Prof Max Bulsara
    Enrolled part-time through the School of Nursing and Midwifery