Linda Khong

M Manipulative Therapy, B App Sc. (Physio Hons), B Business Admin

  • Biography

    Linda graduated as a physiotherapist with Honours from University of Sydney in 1997 prior to obtaining a Masters in Manual Therapy at Curtin and under-going further specialised advanced training in Lymphedema Therapy. Through the Australian Physiotherapy Association-she is an accredited Musculoskeletal and Gerontological Physiotherapist. She is a practicing clinician, university clinical educator in the area of older adults’ health and runs a private practice specialising in management of lymphoedema.

    Linda commenced her PhD early 2013 and her doctoral research study is part of the Collaborative Research Network funding. She is investigating falls prevention education for community-dwelling older adults, in particular how peer-led falls prevention education may help improve adherence to falls prevention strategies. Initial findings from the research have now been published and are informing how peer-led falls education program is delivered to community dwelling older people in Western Australia.

    PhD thesis title: Providing peer-led falls prevention education for older people.

    Supervisors: A/Prof Anne-Marie Hill, Professor Keith Hill (Curtin Uni); Adjunct Professor Richard Berlach.
    Enrolled full-time through the School of Health Sciences