Michelle Lambert

BAVA, Dip Ed (Secondary), Grad Dip Public Health


  • Biography

    Michelle has 18 years’ work experience in the health education field focusing on improving health outcomes through resource development and education and training.  She has experience in curriculum writing as well as designing and delivering experiential and interactive workshops for a variety of audiences including Company Directors, Managers, team leaders, general staff and apprentices as well as health professionals and teaching staff.  

    During the last 7 years Michelle has worked at the University of Notre Dame as a lecturer and tutor and more recently as Practicum Coordinator for the School of Health Science.

    MPhil thesis title: Mixed messages: Where do emerging adults get their nutrition knowledge and how does that knowledge influence their eating behaviour?

    Supervisors: A/Prof Fiona Farringdon,  Dr Paola Chivers
    Enrolled part-time through the School of Health Science