Samantha Neylon

B App Sc (OT), Dip Project Management, Dip Frontline Management

  • Biography

    Sam graduated as an Occupational Therapist from Curtin University in 1995 and worked in neurological and aged care services before developing a specialist seating clinic (Seatec) to meet the mobility, seating and postural needs of the adult population – particularly those with complex neurological conditions. She is employed by the Brightwater Care Group and continues to oversee Seatec as well as the Specialist Equipment service and the newly established Living Environment service.  Sam’s current focus is on promoting function, wellbeing and quality of life for older people through access, appropriate supports and providing a residential environment which facilitates this.

    PhD thesis title: Refurbishment of Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities: Identifying the key elements using a mixed methods evaluation approach.

    Supervisors: A/Prof Anne-Marie Hill, A/Prof Caroline Bulsara
    Enrolled part-time through the School of Health Science