Aisling Dempsey

BBiomedSc, BPrevHlth

  • Biography

    Aisling completed both of her Bachelor Degrees at the University of Notre Dame Australia. Since graduating she has worked for Mentally Healthy WA on the Act-Belong-Commit campaign and is currently employed by Sports Medicine Australia (SMA) as a Community Education Officer. Her role at SMA oversees the coordination and delivery of a variety of workshops to schools and clubs and anti-doping education to WA athletes. Aisling has worked as Sports Trainer since 2009 in a variety of sports including rugby union, football (WAFL and community level) and Gridiron.

    Aisling is enrolled in her Masters of Health Sciences to investigate and measure alcohol, illicit drug and supplement use among community level Australian rules football players.

    Master’s thesis title: Being determined.

    Supervisors: A/Prof Fiona Farringdon, Benjamin Piggott, Dr Paola Chivers
    Enrolled part-time through the School of Health Sciences