Having already completed a double degree in Arts and Law, Antonia, 25, immediately enrolled in a four-year Doctor of Medicine at The University of Notre Dame Australia and is enjoying the challenge immensely.

“I chose to study medicine at Notre Dame because of its strong commitment to producing competent, ethical doctors,” she says. “Notre Dame’s emphasis in its selection process on the whole candidate ensures that its medical students have a wide range of experiences, promoting resilience and a greater capacity for empathy. I love studying medicine with a group of people who are all extraordinary in their own way.”

Notre Dame’s commitment to academic excellence, the support for students and its strong community atmosphere all make for a remarkable learning environment.

“University staff go above and beyond to know each of us as unique individuals with our own strengths and interests. I believe this exemplary level of pastoral care is just one of the things that defines the strong feeling of community at Notre Dame,” she says.

“Finally, our teachers and mentors at Notre Dame set an outstanding example for all of us of what it is to teach and practise medicine.”

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The Notre Dame difference

An exceptional educational experience
  • Overall quality 
    of educational
    in Australia

  • Skills
    in Australia

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    in Australia

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    in Australia

Federal Government’s Quality Indicators for Learning & Teaching in postgraduate Medicine - qilt.edu.au