Sydney-based marketing wizard, Renee Gangemi graduated with a Bachelor of Marketing and Public Relations in 2008 and was part of the first cohort of graduates from The University of Notre Dame’s Sydney Campus. “What I liked about Notre Dame was that it wasn’t all just based on the ATAR, it was about my personality, too,” she says. Renee also liked how specialised her course was and believes that doing units in law and accounting helped lay the groundwork for running her own business.

After graduation, Renee began working with high-profile brands and noticed a gap in the market that provided the inspiration for her to start her own company. As the Founder and Director of The Marketing Equation, Renee works with smaller companies to help them reach their milestone goals. In this role she is able to draw on her previous experience in business marketing, digital strategy and creative brand direction for notable companies such as Marie Claire, Vogue, Women’s Health, GQ, Donna Hay, and

On the side, Renee is also a member of the Leadership Team of TEDxSydney, acting as the Head of Marketing. Her work with TEDxSydney offers an interesting experience outside the scope of ordinary marketing and public relations work. “I love the spreading of ideas and promoting a brand that isn’t selling a physical product. It’s about learning and inspiration of life,” she said.

To learn more about Renee's work with TEDxSydney, listen to her guest appearance on The CMO Show.

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