Building a rural medical workforce through a world-class program

The Kimberley Centre for Remote Medical Training is a Commonwealth funded, end-to-end, rural graduate medical training pathway based on the University of Notre Dame Australia’s Broome Campus.

This is Western Australia’s first fully regionally based medical school, and one of the most remote full medical programs in the world.

Designed to increase access to postgraduate medical qualifications for students from rural communities, the training centre will also build a future medical workforce for the Kimberley and Pilbara regions.

"This is a game-changing resource for the whole region. The benefits it will bring to an area suffering from a lack of doctors are unimaginable."

Professor Rathan Subramaniam, Executive Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery and Health Sciences

Application process and timeline

Applicants to this rural training scheme will be considered on a three-tiered system, with priority given to students from the region, First Nations, equity and remote backgrounds.

Please familiarise yourself with the selection criteria for each tier below before submitting your application.

How to apply icon

Tier 1 applications

Applications close Thursday 31 October 2024

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Tier 2 & 3 applications

Applications close Wednesday 31 July 2024

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Interviews date to be advised

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Offer letter issuance date to be confirmed

The training centre will select up to 26 students to commence the Doctor of Medicine program in Semester 1 2025.

Admission criteria and pathways

Applicants are ranked for interviews and offers based on tier order (Tier 1 > Tier 2 > Tier 3) and ranked order within each tier based on interview score applicable to their assigned tier (50%) and interview (50%).

Please note that interview invitations and offers are sent to the email address provided in your application. If no acceptance is received from an applicant within the stipulated timeframe, the offer will no longer be valid.

Tier 1: Kimberley or Pilbara residents

Applicants must be residents of the Kimberley or Pilbara regions for at least five years consecutively or 10 years cumulatively. Applicants who meet the Tier 1 eligibility criteria will have the following admission requirements waived:

  • A valid GAMSAT
  • The 10-year rule requirement (that is, an undergraduate degree completed more than 10 years ago will be acceptable), and
  • A Casper test.

All applications for Tier 1 must be submitted directly to the University of Notre Dame Australia. Applicants meeting the eligibility criteria for Tier 1 who have a valid GAMSAT and meet the 10-year rule requirements can still apply via GEMSAS by indicating their interest in the rural training scheme in the application form.

Application dates: Wednesday, 1 May 2024 - Thursday, 31 October 2024
Interview invitations: Tier 1 applicants are ranked within their tier based on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants, Equity applicants, and all other applicants

Tier 1 applications are now closed

Tier 2: Indigenous or WA regional residents

Applicants must meet one of the following two criteria:

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander applicant from across Australia, or
  • Must have resided for at least five years consecutively or 10 years cumulatively in rural or regional areas and have resided for at least 10 years cumulatively in Western Australia.

Applicants for Tier 2 must apply via GEMSAS. A valid GAMSAT, Casper and meeting the 10-year rule is a requirement for this tier.

Please note that preferencing a place for the University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle Campus may be taken into account when ranking applicants for interview and/or place offers for the rural training scheme.

Application dates: Wednesday, 1 May 2024 - Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Interview invitations: Tier 2 applicants are ranked within their tier based on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants, and the standardised results of the combined GAMSAT, GPA, Casper and bonus points, weighted 30:30:30:10.

Tier 2 applications are now closed

Tier 3: Metropolitan or interstate residents

Non-rural and/or non-Western Australian residents.

Applicants for Tier 3 must apply via GEMSAS. A valid GAMSAT, Casper and meeting the 10-year rule is a requirement for this tier.

Please note that preferencing a place for the University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle Campus may be taken into account when ranking applicants for interview and/or place offers for the rural training scheme.

Application dates: Wednesday, 1 May 2024 - Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Interview invitations: Tier 3 applicants are ranked within their tier based on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants, and the standardised results of the combined GAMSAT, GPA, Casper and bonus points, weighted 30:30:30:10.

Tier 3 applications are now closed